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Are you eating enough choline?

Are you eating enough choline?

What is choline? Choline is a nutrient found in a variety of foods including: eggs red meat chicken fish dairy some green vegetables wholegrains. What are the benefits of choline? Reducing stress-related diseases Choline influences the production of cortisol which may...

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Keeping cool this summer

Keeping cool this summer

With summer on the way, it’s important for your health to keep cool. Our Nutrition and Dietetics team has shared some great tips to help with keeping cool for the hot days ahead: Drink water and cool drinks before you’re thirsty. Waiting until you are thirsty is too...

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Putting oral health on integrated care agenda

Putting oral health on integrated care agenda

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=7] North Richmond Community Health has taken another significant step towards improving the integration of oral health and primary health care in Australia. Five of our staff members presented at the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference for...

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Volunteer dentists provide free treatment

Volunteer dentists provide free treatment

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=5] Our North Richmond Community Health Oral Health Program hosted a dental fair on Saturday 19 October with the support of volunteer organization Tzu Chi. Volunteer dentists provided free treatment for some of the most disadvantaged...

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