Tuesday 23 April 2024 North Richmond Health Partners has welcomed the State Government’s decision to appoint it as operator of the North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Room from 1 July 2024, saying it signals a new era for Victoria’s first supervised...
Media releases
The MSIR’S critical role during COVID-19
The North Richmond Community Health Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) is an essential health service that remains open during COVID-19 so that it can continue to save lives and reduce the pressure on Victoria’s public health system. The MSIR also plays a...
MSIR doing what it was designed for
Last week more than a hundred people gathered for a meeting in North Richmond at a pub across from the medically supervised injecting room. A mix of media, politicians, local residents and people working in the alcohol and drug sector attended. It was a...
North Richmond Community Health to trial medically supervised injecting facility
North Richmond Community Health will expand its community support services to include a trial supervised injecting facility. According to North Richmond Community Health CEO Demos Krouskos, the trial will not only save lives, but support the wellbeing of the entire...
State MPs urged to act on supervised injecting facility
North Richmond Community Health strongly urges Victorian State MPs to act on the overwhelming evidence found by the recent Parliamentary Inquiry into a trial supervised injecting facility.