Groups and Events

Celebrating Our Diverse Multicultural Community

Celebrating Our Diverse Multicultural Community

Multiculturalism is a core part of our community's identity here in North Richmond. As part of our Cultural Diversity Week celebration, we focussed on the importance of mental health and self-care through a gentle yoga class, free massages, and connecting people...

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Our March activities calendar

Our March activities calendar

Check out our March community activities calendar below. Our new activities include Mahjong Mondays, Helping Hoops Community Basketball and a Twilight Market on Wednesday 3 March.

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A FREE session to improve your self-care

A FREE session to improve your self-care

You told us you wanted self-care sessions and we listened! There'll be two free sessions this month. Don't miss out on the first session this Tuesday 19 January at 11am. Make sure you reserve your spot by emailing or calling Nazik: EMAIL: PHONE:...

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FREE Vacation Care Summer 2021

FREE Vacation Care Summer 2021

The City of Yarra offers vacation care programs in partnership with local schools, and this summer North Richmond Community Health is covering the program fees for children attending the Richmond West Primary activities. That means your child could attend these...

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