A message from NRCH Executive Manager Primary Care, Quality and Chief Nurse, Evan Hill: "Today we acknowledge the tireless work of Nurses and reflect upon their ongoing significant contribution to society. “Our Nurses, our Future” is the 2023 theme for International...
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Cultural Catering’s website is now live!
Yarra City Council Launches ‘Learning Bank’ in Partnership with NRCH’s Social Enterprise – Cultural Catering
(Pictured: Photos of attendees and employees of the ATM Cafe at the Learning Bank launch) Yarra City Council launched the Learning...
World Immunisation Week | The Big Catch-up
Next week is World Immunisation Week (24 - 30 April)! This week is an opportunity to remind ourselves about the importance of vaccination and ensure our community continue to stay protected against the wide variety of vaccine-preventable diseases. The World Health...
Congratulations to Foundations to Hospitality Students!
(Photos by William Angliss Institute) A huge congratulations to the Foundations to Hospitality...