Latest News

Telehealth Appointments

Telehealth Appointments

  During the current Victorian circuit breaker period, we are making some changes to our services. Medical Services: Our medical services are still open but we may need to change your appointment to a telephone or video appointment. If we do need to make a change...

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WATCH: What do we value?

WATCH: What do we value?

We are excited to launch our new values video which features a number of our staff talking about what our organisational values mean to them. We are proud of our values - they guide our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour as we work to achieve providing best health...

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Our February Activities Calendar

Our February Activities Calendar

*Please note: our Women's Indoor Zumba session on 18 February is cancelled due to new COVID-19 guidelines from the Victorian Government. Our Outdoor Zumba sessions will go ahead but are limited to 20 people. Everyone is welcome!  

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A FREE session to improve your self-care

A FREE session to improve your self-care

You told us you wanted self-care sessions and we listened! There'll be two free sessions this month. Don't miss out on the first session this Tuesday 19 January at 11am. Make sure you reserve your spot by emailing or calling Nazik: EMAIL: PHONE:...

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