New heroin treatment helping patients in Melbourne

Jun 15, 2021Latest News

“It’s changed my brain chemistry, I don’t think about heroin ever, and that was all I thought about for the last six years.” – Summer* (Client of NRCH-MSIR on the depot buprenorphine medication).

The new heroin treatment (depot buprenorphine medication) is helping patients in Melbourne.

North Richmond Community Health’s Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) is among the first in Australia to provide the ground-breaking depot buprenorphine medication, an opioid treatment given weekly or monthly to clients to help reduce and stop heroin use. 

Dr. Nico Clark has since analysed the experiences of the first 41 people to try it and has shared Summer’s experience of the medication. 

Read more on Summer’s story published by the ABC here.

* Name changed to protect privacy

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