National Reconciliation Week: Don’t Keep History a Mystery

May 30, 2018Latest News

This week, 27 May to 3 June, is National Reconciliation Week.

The event is an opportunity to reflect on the experience of Indigenous Australians, and renew our commitment to reconciliation.

This year, the theme is Don’t Keep History a Mystery. A true understanding of our shared history is a vital part of reconciliation. Celebrating the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognising the impact of invasion and colonialism are essential steps in the journey towards true equality.

To mark National Reconciliation Week, Wulempuri-Kertheba (North Richmond Community Health) held our annual Sorry Day event. Sorry Day is a time when we commemorate the families torn apart by the actions of the Australian Government, and the ongoing impact of the Stolen Generation.

Wurundjeri Elder Uncle Colin Hunter generously welcomed us to Wurundjeri country. The Djirri Djirri dancers performed, telling stories of country, family and history.

Thank you to all who helped us mark Sorry Day. We are privileged to use the name Wulempuri-Kertheba, given to us by Wurundjeri Elders. We are grateful to work on Wurundjeri country, and are proud to serve the Indigenous community.

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