International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Aug 27, 2024Groups and Events, Latest News

International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

International Overdose Awareness Day is coming up this week on Saturday 31 August. Held annually, this day is the world’s largest campaign focused on ending overdose, remembering those who have died without stigma, and acknowledging the grief of family and friends left behind. The theme for 2024 is “Together we can”, emphasising the power of coming together and supporting those impacted by the tragedy of overdose.

We recently marked the sixth anniversary of the Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR), Victoria’s first and only supervised injecting service. Our service has never been more important, with the latest data revealing 549 Victorians losing their lives to drug overdose in a single year, averaging 10 deaths per week – the highest rate in a decade.

#TogetherWeCan #IOAD2024 #EndOverdose

What can you do?

1) Attend an Overdose response training session
In under 30 minutes, the Proactive Overdose Response Initiative (PORI) team offers free overdose response training. The training will help you learn to recognise and effectively respond to overdoses using naloxone.

To register your interest in attending a training session: Either email or call 9418 9811

2) Book in for a tour of the MSIR
Learn more about the amazing work our MSIR team provide to our clients. The tour will take you through the service in a small group, explain the process and different zones, and talk through the services provided.
When? Running every Friday morning at 8am.
Book now:…/msir-tour-tickets…

3) Listen and learn more about the PORI team and the Naloxone program
📣 NRCH Podcast Ep.31: Lifelines – Community Naloxone Program
You can listen to this episode on Spotify:

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